Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Job Characteristic Model Technical Coordinator Apple’s Research and Development Essay

Job Characteristic Model: Technical Coordinator Apple’s Research and Development Introduction Skill Variety                   The position of a technical coordinator at the Apple’s Research and development is increasingly demanding. As a requirement, my stay entails me to develop skills and talents, which responds to a high coordination strategy that responds to the elementary needs and routine. As a result, my skills variety impacted on the on the activities of establishing, guiding, encouraging, engaging and tackling critical research and administrative responsibilities. Task Identity                   Significantly, my roles influence other workers positively, in that my intervention encourages workers to be involved rapidly in the project rather than concentrate on an individual unit. For that reason, it is possible to complete the whole piece of work from the beginning to the end. It is possible to respond to these requirements since the team examines needs of the customer before commencing on a given activity. Task Significance:                   Given the operative nature of the job, it is possible to respond to requirements of the department since the team is involved psychologically at the process. Mentally, the team is made to understand the significance of each stage of the activity. To achieve that, the overall mission of the organization is broken down to ensure that the team gets first-hand needs of the organization, before commencing on the job. Autonomy:                   The characteristic enables employees to pursue milestone in a free but objected zone. Programmers, designers, researchers, and marketers are empowered by autonomous decision to independently choose what is to be performed. Hence, my role is to steer independent operation. I am, therefore, obliged to decide on how to time the performance. Feedback   Ã‚                  The characteristic enables me to determine the feedback mechanism that allows my team to have more information about the effectiveness of their performance. My role is to engage units in communication, using the organization ERP system.                   To enhance my motivation potential, I will be required to communicate with different team players on the way forward when it comes to making critical decisions. I will motivate and influence team players by requesting job progress daily. This way, I will show them I am part of the team References Juricek, J. (2014). Agile Project Management Principles. Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, 172-175. Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Animal Cloning for Human Consumption

After many long hard working days, I was trying to utilize my time wisely by catching up with the news on the internet. One of the article form Washington Post caught my eyes, with the title â€Å"Clone-Generated Milk may be approved†. The article is over one year old, where have I been around those days? I paused for a second and tried to comprehend the facts about science. The agricultural industry has observed a voluntary FDA moratorium on using the products of clones, but it has recently become clear that a few offspring of cloned pigs and cows are already trickling into the food supply.Many in agriculture believe such genetic copies are the next logical step in improving the nation's livestock. (Justin, 2005, pp. 2) â€Å"Americans at the beginning of the 21st century are consuming more food and several hundred more calories per person per day than did their counterparts in the late 1950s. Now more than ever, America is a Nation of meat eaters. In 2000, total meat consum ption (red meat, poultry, and fish) reached 195 pounds (boneless, trimmed-weight equivalent) per person, 57 pounds above average annual consumption in the 1950s.Each American consumed an average of 7 pounds more red meat than in the 1950s, 46 pounds more poultry, and 4 pounds more fish and shellfish. Rising consumer incomes, especially with the increase in two-income households, and meat prices in the 1990s that were often at 50-year lows, when adjusted for inflation, explain much of the increase in meat consumption. In addition, the meat industry has provided scores of new brand-name, value-added products processed for consumers’ convenience, as well as a host of products for foodservice operators’. United States Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2002, pp. 3). Those reason above might be one of the many reasons that lead farming industry to desperation level and desire to produce more food at an advance level. Let’s take a step back on this Due to the supply an d demand concept, we have raised in the society that consume more meat than ever. Our childhood and daily lives will be surround by McDonald, Burger King numerous of others tasty delightful meat dishes. The bottom line is, â€Å"We Love to Eat Meat†.A French lawyer and politician, was quite possibly the most famous French epicure and gastronome of all once said â€Å"Tell me what you eat, I will tell you who you are†. Once I was growing up in the third world country, we most likely eat to live. Fast forward twenty years later, we don’t have to worry about food anymore, but the medical bill instead, from high blood pressure, to cholesterol to heart disease or diabetes etc. We are practically digging our own graves by eating so much or so little of a wrong food, either so much of good food or so little bad food.The increasing use of animal products as well as leading to the misery, waste and pollution of factory farming is also responsible for the erosion of biodi versity and peoples livelihoods. The crops most grown of industrial food production are maize and soy not for human consumption but for animal feed. The damage done by the production and use of biocides and artificial fertilizers is almost unimaginable. Pesticide pollution of the natural world (air, water & soil) is one of the major reasons for the staggering loss of biodiversity (Luke, p. 6). Genetics growth farm animals are normal to meet the demand of the market and profit margin for farmers. In early 1990, FDA has claimed that Bovine Growth were harmless for human (Beverly, 1990). But in 2002, the same agency requested the report to aid the agency in determining the safety of certain animal biotechnology products. A 12 member committee from the National Research Council (NRC) reviewed existing science to identify what health and environmental problems might be posed by genetically modified animals.Short of three years later, the very same agency once again broadcasted that may b e approved. That confliction of uncertainty does not give consumer as myself the confidence of those researches. Genetically modified food already known with numerous harmful effects to human. (Nathan, n. d. ). If we stick with â€Å"what you do not know will not hurt you†. I will confide with my limited knowledge and comfortable eating my way to emergency room or short term life insurance policy. In conclusion, should we look concern about consumption of cloning meat?I would like to think so; I may have to stop and being skeptical every time I see that USDA stamp on the meat aisle in supermarket. Our federal government owned the truthful answer to their citizens (or at least the taxpayer money) to protect our environment before causing further damage as it already is. I don’t suppose to earn the extra credit for full pledged and complete thesis about cloning research here. But I have a firm believe there will more viable proof and evidence about long term or unknown s ide effects on the horizon awaiting its chance.Next generation, it may not be mad cow disease or bird flu anymore; instead, it could be flying pig or talking donkey disease. References Justin, G. (2005, October 06). Clone-Generated Milk, Meat May Be Approved. Favorable FDA ruling seen as imminent. Retrieved March 31, 2007, from http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/05/AR2005100502074. html United States Department of Agriculture. (2002). Agriculture fact book 2001-2002. Retrieved March 31, 2007, from http://www. usda. gov/factbook/chapter2. htm Luke, A.. 1999). Genetic engineering, food, and our environment. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Pub. Co. Beverly, C. (1990). Bovine growth hormone. Retrieved March 31, 2007, from http://www. fda. gov/bbs/topics/CONSUMER/CON00068. HTML Nathan, B. (n. d. ). 50 Harmful effects of genetically modified foods. Retrieved , , from http://www. cqs. com/50harm. htm Cat, L. (2002, Aug 21). Transgenic animals could pose environmental threat. Retrieved March 31, 2007, from http://www. ens-newswire. com/ens/aug2002/2002-08-21-06. asp

Monday, July 29, 2019

Election of Barak Obama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Election of Barak Obama - Essay Example Sen. Obama is for 'affordable, accessible health care for all Americans, builds on the existing health care system, and uses existing providers, doctors and plans to implement the plan'. Economy: He plans to simplify the tax code, so that it provides greater opportunity and relief to Americans, thus resulting in benefits to American workers and export potential of America. To assist in this venture, he plans to increase investments in infrastructure, energy independence, education, research and development. His contention is, while the wages are stagnant for the middle class, the tax cuts are being implemented only for the wealthy and not for providing any relief to the middle class. Foreign Wars: Iraq war epitomizes the differing foreign war policies of the Bush administration and that of opposition. Sen. Obama termed the very concept of Iraq war as wrong in 2002. His contention was, such an invasion would lead to occupation for undetermined length at undermined cost, with undetermined consequences. That's exactly what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sen. Obama plans to adopt a policy based on the bipartisan Iraq Study Group led by James Baker and Lee Hamilton. Energy Plan and the Environment: Sen. Obama has taken a lead in pushing ahead a comprehensive energy policy. Having found common ground on CAFE, renewable fuels, and clean coal, the duo of Obama-Biden plan to provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump, put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars and ensure 10 percent of US electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025, amongst many other initiatives. Illegal Immigration: Sen. Obama has been instrumental in crafting comprehensive immigration reforms in the country. As per the studies undertaken, since 2000 there has been an increase of about 40 percent in undocumented immigration in US. This proves not only a threat for safety and security of the country, but it also proves to be a big drain on the resources of the country. Sen. Obama's contention is, 'politicians have used the immigration issue to divide the country instead of finding a permanent solution'. This is resulted in an increase in cases of illegal immigration. Sen. Obama plans to have secure borders by working in close coordination with countries like Mexico, improving the immigration system remove the apparent incentives for entering illegally. The political impacts that might happen on the following three demographic groups are; Social: Though it might not be a big issue in the elections, but the fact that Sen. Obama is set to become the first black President of US. This is bound to translate in better social status for minorities. Endorsement of Sen. Obama by the erstwhile Bush Confident Collin Powell signifies the importance of this emerging social equation once the elections are over. Being a youthful president (certainly so, as compared to Sen. John McCain), Sen. Obama could prove to be a role model for the youth in the country. Having an unblemished record is bound to help the new incumbent to the top post in bringing about a harmonious social order in the country. If Obama is able to make it, he will be one of the youngest persons with the responsibility. The age factor has made him the favorite candidate for the top slot. Obama has also made it a point to see that the job losses experienced by the youth on account of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analyses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyses - Research Paper Example Research is a key part of our heritage at Nestle and an essential element of our future. We know there is still much to discover about health, wellness, and the role of food in our lives, and we continue to search for answers to bring consumers good food for good life† ( â€Å"Nestle strives to be a leader in nutrition, health and wellness, with the belief that good food is central to health and wellness. At the Nestle Research Center, nutrition research meets food innovation to bring consumers of all ages and stages of life, foods and beverages that contribute to health and wellness, while offering remarkable taste and convenience† ( The more consumers continue to make food or beverage choice, Nestle is always available in such situations to assist in selection for everyone’s taste and lifestyle preferences. At Nestle, research is part of the key elements of the company’s heritage and is an essential component of Company’s future. At Nestle, discoveries resolve to provide wellness, health, and the role of food people’s lives. That is reason we continue to hunt for more answers to bring consumers Good Food for Good Life. Nestle shows recognition of consumer’s sincere and legitimate interests in the Company’s beliefs, behaviors, and actions and as such, Nestle understands that without the customers the Company cannot exist. Nestle believes in general legislation of rule as is the most effective tool for safeguarding responsible conduct (Letmathe, 2004). However, additional staff guidance in form of voluntary business principles is beneficial since it meets the highest stan dards through organization. Nestle maintains a conscious fact that, a corporation’s success reflects management and employee professionalism, responsible attitude, and ethical code of conduct. The corporate values of Nestle display that this Company understands that the lifeblood of

The Current Health Status of Aboriginal Australian Population Essay

The Current Health Status of Aboriginal Australian Population - Essay Example It has constantly been emphasized that the poor health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Australians is brought about by economic and social factors such as higher unemployment levels, poor nutrition and sanitation, congested housing, lack of access to education, and poverty. As a result, it has been proposed that the additional health risks of obesity, diabetes, and substance misuse make mortality rates among Aboriginal Australians significantly higher than that of the overall non-Aboriginal Australian population (Lawrence & Worsley, 2007). This paper discusses the factors that contribute to the current health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Australians, factors that increase the prevalence of diabetes, and potential community-focused solution. Contributing Factors to the Current Health of Australian Aboriginal People As stated in the National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party report, â€Å"health to Aboriginal peoples is a matter of determining all aspects of their life, including co ntrol over the physical environment, of dignity, of community self-esteem, and of justice. It is not merely a matter of the provision of doctors, hospitals, medicines or the absence of disease and incapacity† (Connor-Fleming & Parker, 2001, 210). Customarily, in Indigenous communities there was no term or word for ‘health’ as recognized by non-Indigenous people, and it would not be easy for Aborigines to view ‘health’ as part of their existence (Eagar & Garrett, 2001). This traditional belief is one of the major determinants of Aboriginal health. Health advocates engaged in programs for Aboriginal communities should be sensitive to this culturally oriented perception of health. Apparently, the Aboriginal perception of health should shape the context for any program supporting Aboriginal health. Second contributing factor is social disadvantage. It is well documented that social disadvantage has the ability to endanger individual health and wellbeing. The connection between poor health and social disadvantage is demonstrated in the health condition of Aboriginal people (Larkin, 2006). As revealed in the National Health Strategy Research paper No. 1, and substantiated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Health and Welfare of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples research in 1999, there have been several improvements for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on wider social determinants, especially education (Connor-Fleming & Parker, 2001, 210). Nevertheless, according to Larkin (2006), on determinants of housing, economic standing, and employment status, these people were below Australian standards. Several scholars, like Thomson (1991) and Couzos and Murray (1999), claim that considerable economic and social disadvantage, political subjugation, and a history of cultural displacement and bigotry lead to seriously poor health and wellbeing for Aboriginal Australians. Matthews (1992) argued that a diverse paradig m that recognizes both the medical and social aspects of poor health is important. Where social circumstances are most unfavorable, the necessity for useful healthcare initiatives is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Palestinian-Israeli Conflict - Case Study Example Several peace solutions were made since the PLO was granted the observer status in the UN as the delegate of the Palestinian Arabs in the year 1974. Along with the UNRWA which was set up in 1949 for relief of the Palestinian refugees, numerous UN institutions were set up to support the cause of the Palestinians. The UN General Assembly resolution 3379 in 1975 which declared Zionism to be a form of racism caused the UN to lose the complete credibility as a neutral mediator in the eyes of Israel and the peace process was never an easy task for the international community. Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty in 1979 after the US mediation, for which Israel returned the Sinai Desert to Egypt. The secret negotiations in Oslo resulted in an agreement between Israel and the Palestine in which a Palestinian National Authority was established under the leadership of Arafat and the PLO in 1994 and Israel was agreeable to gradually transfer land to this authority. However, theOslo peace proc essgot slowed down as both the parties did not stick to agreements they made and the leadership on both sides failed to build confidence and to prepare their own people for the necessary compromises. Thus, confrontations continued and the peace process gradually dragged on towards the negotiations on Camp David in 2000 which was also a failure. The then US president Bill Clinton presented the 'bridging proposals' in December 2000 which suggested the parameters for a final compromise that included a Palestinian state comprising the Gaza Strip and about 97% of the West Bank, division of Jerusalem and no right of return to Israel for Palestinian refugees. Whereas Israel received this proposal in principle, Palestinian was not ready to accept the suggestion. The two sides failed to reach a settlement in the last minute negotiations at Taba in January2001, in spite of further Israeli concessions. Both the sides, in a joint communiqu, agreed that they had never been so close to an agreeme nt, though issues such as the refugee issue remained. The peace process continued and new negotiations were made in the course of time. "Although both parties accepted the 'Road Map to Peace', launched by the Quartet of US, UN, EU and Russia in 2003, no serious peace negotiations have taken place in recent years between Israel and the Palestinians. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon did take unilateral measures such as the disengagement from the Gaza Strip in 2005, but he demanded an end to Palestinian terrorism before he would engage in negotiations with Arafat's successor Abbas concerning final status issues." (The Arab-Israeli Conflict) However, the peace process for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still going on and the international community is expecting a miracle in the solution of the long struggle and the ongoing dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The most pertinent obstacle among the various obstacles against a final and peaceful conclusion to the Palestinian Isra eli conflic

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Power of Thinking or Feelings in Crest and Vaseline Advertisements Essay

The Power of Thinking or Feelings in Crest and Vaseline Advertisements - Essay Example Vaseline persuasively uses pathos because of its emphasis on the word â€Å"feel,† so that the audience can â€Å"feel† its sincerity regarding the benefits of its product, and then it expounds on the scientific backup of these benefits to fully convince the audience that it is the best lotion in the market. The main positioning statement of the ad is â€Å"feels good, does well.† The statement is simple, but its meanings are varied. Vaseline uses the words â€Å"feel† and â€Å"good† to underline emotions. It is stating that its lotion feels good on the skin while providing emotional benefits too. Instead of just stressing its ingredients, it centers on the resulting â€Å"feelings,† which is related to â€Å"goodness.† Another impact of the feelings of goodness is having a good day. When people feel good, they tend to do well in school, work, and home. Feeling good starts the day with happiness and improves quality of life. After the short introduction on what the product makes consumers feel, a longer explanation is below it, where scientific words are added. The long paragraph stresses that the product is the â€Å"next generation† of Vaseline lotion, which suggests that it is current and not an â€Å"old† formula. The words â€Å"pure† and â€Å"natural† make Vaseline a â€Å"natural† product, even when it has chemicals too. The main goal is to relate Vaseline with the goodness of â€Å"Nature,† but one that is scientifically tested and perfected. The words â€Å"new formula† and â€Å"infuse moisture deep down† accentuate that the product is the latest tested formula that goes beyond other usual lotions. The â€Å"rich feel and glowing skin† is a suitable end, since many consumers want their skin feeling smooth and looking young and fresh. To reinforce its sincerity further, another strategy of Vaseline is its â€Å"Money Back Guarantee.† The ad has a blue stamp, a stamp that symbolizes something assured and permanent. It contains the words â€Å"Vaseline Promise.† The word promise is like a friend making a promise to another friend. If customers will not feel the difference after using the product, Vaseline challenges them to return the lotion to it. This way, customers feel secure in using the product. Again, positive feelings take center stage. The ad starts with good vibes, the vibes of feeling and looking good. Then, it follows up the good vibes with a promise of â€Å"money back,† if these â€Å"feelings† are not attained. Vaseline effectively uses matching words and promises to convey a strong message of skin luxuriousness to its audiences. The font and white background highlight that Vaseline has nothing to hide. The font of â€Å"feels good, do good† is sans serif, which makes it informal and playful. It does not even start with a capital letter and does not end with a period. Th e way it is written looks hip and young. In other words, it exudes with innocence. The white background suggests purity too.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Art Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art Class - Essay Example American art tend to be more inclined towards presenting self-determination, achievement and liberation of the colonies. However, American art was always overshadowed by the European art and was popular at that time contrary to popular belief. Consequently, Romanticism focused more on emotions, paint textures, and highlights to truly capture the heart of action and emotion. American art is more modern compared to the Renaissance art and European art. The American colonial period consisted of portraits as colonists wanted to establish their identity in the new world. Undoubtedly, this picture is not achromatic as it uses very light colors. From my perspective, it seems as if it is American art since it is very cosmopolitan. There are countless ways of describing a work of art and great depths of one’s expressions and mines of creativity In this particular image, the artist clearly has been extremely creative from every angle and touch. This graphic is a great image as it depicts a typical hand brush that is utilized for cleaning purposes. The brush itself is painted in a very elegant manner with amazing finish. Every bristle is clear and gives the feeling of cleanliness to the audience. Furthermore, the bristles variation in color is a clear depiction of a unique style that the artist has embraced. From my perspective, it seems that the bristles are made using very thin rods of sheets that are strong and durable. The most interesting aspect about this image is the fact that the bristles are very clear. The dustbin in this image is blue and resembles the one that is used for regular housecleaning purposes. The background colors are very solid and in essence truly bring the hue of light and dark c olors. The assimilation of colors is truly the embodiment of modern day art with clear pixels and each color dot being unique. Truly, the brushing was conducted in an elusive manner which

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discussion Questions and Participation Questions Essay - 4

Discussion Questions and Participation Questions - Essay Example Also due to the bad forecast companies that are growing are not hiring back the employees they let go. I work in the meat packing industry. Two indicators that would be useful for the company to follow are the average income of the population and the unemployment rate of the population. Both indicators are in terms of regional metrics, not national. If the income of the population grows so does the capacity of the customer to consume more meat. When the population is employed they spend more money on groceries which includes meats. Three indictors that I would recommend to any company operating in the United States are population growth, income per capita, and inflation. Population growth is an important metric because the production of companies depends on the amount of customer available in the marketplace. Higher population growth projections imply that companies have to adjust their production accordingly. Income per capita is a valuable metric due to the fact that income and consumption are correlated. People spend more when they have higher income. Inflation is an important metric to consider because inflates affects the purchasing power of an enterprise. High inflation leads to lower purchasing power. The use of external information available in websites dedicated to providing economic information to its users can be very useful for companies in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. The website DismalScientist provides excellent information that can help managers make better decisions. There is chart in the website showing the distribution of federal aid money across the 50 states. States with higher distribution are places marketers should target. The website also had up to date information concerning economic indexes such as GDP, industrial producer prices, and monetary policy. The economic indexes are available for different countries

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Whiteness Questions Reading + Questions Coursework

The Whiteness Questions Reading + Questions - Coursework Example According to the arguments presented in the article, it seems that many whites do not fully understand the meaning of whiteness in the American context. Even with this as the case, racism, gender discrimination, and imperialism still persists. Interestingly, the whites exhibit an identity that they cannot adequately explain. However, the race, gender, and the white-self factors hold the answer to the contemporary whiteness question. White people have defined themselves based on their white race and gender, but they have overlooked self-actualization relative to this race. The author argues that a good percentage of the white population is still struggling to understand the meaning of whiteness from a political and historical point of view. Amid this, whiteness continues to sink in the hearts of the whites, thus enabling them to understand the dynamics of whiteness and what comprises racism out of the whiteness question. It emerges from the reading that there are white people who have never considered the white to be a race. From this perspective, it can only be argued that a race comprises of people of color; obviously this not true. This indirect notion was to some extent uncomfortable at a personal level. It never occurred to me before that the whites do not fully understand their whiteness. On the other hand, the fact that there are white people who are always joining the civil rights pursuit in favor of people of color resonated with me. The whiteness question is undoubtedly important to address. The issues raised by this question affect whites and people of color in one way or another. However, there is an ultimate personal question and point of confusion when it comes to asserting who is really white and what exactly it takes to be white. What I do not understand is the ‘pure’ aspect of whiteness. Personally, I have interacted with both whites and people of color from the North and South sides of the United States. From my experience, the

Monday, July 22, 2019

My Eldest Cousin Essay Example for Free

My Eldest Cousin Essay Many people admire singers, movie stars, who make so much money that they could do everything they want and are famous. However, they don’t even know the person or their personality whom they admire. To me, admiration is a kind of respect. But there aren’t a lot of people who deserve this sort of respect from me in this world. Respecting my parents who raised me is the important thing that I have to do for the rest of my life. Besides my parents, my eldest cousin is the only person who made me look at things differently. He is two years older than me. His name is Khoi. I can remember when I was a high school kid. My family used to live in a rural town that was far away from my school. For convenience, I had to stay temporarily in my aunt’s house for studying. My aunt has only one son who is my eldest cousin. He has curly hair, tall with dark skin and his body was built with muscle. Those things made him look extremely strong. I could imagine that he is like a stone, like Bruce Lee. He was very good at sports. Read more:  Most admirable person  essay Playing basketball was his favorite one. Whenever he played, his team won most of the time. It was interesting to observe how extremely emotionally involved he was in the game. He had many fans in our school, many people liked him. I can remember one of his games. His team was down by three points and they had only five seconds left, he had the ball from a teammate and then he made a three pointer to make the game in a tie. They went over time. Finally, his team won by five points. After finishing the game, some of his fans carried him and ran around the basketball court for celebrating. Sport was always for him a source of fun, emotions, experiences, which are important ingredients in his spiritual life. Not only he was very good at sports, but also his knowledge was broad. He was the person who had the highest grades in the school. All teachers loved him, they always told us â€Å" Khoi is a good student, he deserves to be the person for you to learn from†. He did too great in the school. Consequently, few people hated him because they were jealous. Despite of the fact that he was a good student in our school, he wasn’t haughty. He always thought that he had to learn more and more every day even though he was only 18 years old by that time. At home, he was also a good son. He always respected his parents and elders. He helped his mother to clean house, wash dishes, mop floors more and more†¦ He also helped me on my homework, helped me whenever I got in troubles. Our neighbors liked him too. One of our neighbor talked to his parents and said â€Å"You have a great son, you must be proud of him†. His parents were very happy. My cousin never stopped learning new things. He always got advices from other people even though he had his ideas to solve his problems. He became a business man successfully after finishing his major. He was glad to help everyone who was in our family whenever we had troubles. He taught me about life experience and helped me when I got in troubles. For example, after a long day of work he was really tired and just wanted to go home and took a nap. Instead, he spent time and listened to me about troubles that I had. And then he solved the problems and gave me some advices before taking the shower. In conclusion, I admire my eldest cousin because he taught me about life, and tried to help me when I needed him. He is the greatest person that I’ve ever known. He is the person that I would like to learn from. He advised me that I need to treat people respectfully; I should not stop learning new things and try to help people if they need me. Otherwise, my life will be meaningless.

How Do the Sacred Texts and Beliefs of Islam or Christianity Essay Example for Free

How Do the Sacred Texts and Beliefs of Islam or Christianity Essay How do the Sacred Texts and beliefs of Islam OR Christianity, inform a Religion that is relevant to contemporary adherents? In todays society, unlike many years ago religion is not seen as an important part of peoples lives. People are way to busy or so they think to be ‘wasting their time’ with religion, and church. But for those who do believe in a religion, especially those from the Islamic religion, they take part in a religion that was formed hundreds of years ago, still using and believing in the same scared texts and beliefs. Islamic environmental ethics are drawn from the 3 underpinning principle beliefs, that are the 3 central concepts of Islam and the pillars of Islamic environmental ethics. Tawhid a belief brought upon many many years ago, is the belief of Unity. It believes in the Unity and oneness of all created by Allah and that unity is reflected in the created world, thus the Tawhid demands that the integrity of the created world be maintained by balance and harmony. â€Å"The whole earth has been created a place of worship, pure and clean. Hadith The Khalifa, belief in Stewardship, is the belief that Allah has made humans responsible for all creation and with this involves appropriate use of resources for human needs. â€Å"It is He that has made you custodians; inheritors of the earth. † (Qur’an Surah 6:165) Akrah is the belief of accountability, Muslims believe that they will be judged on how they have acted, and ones treatment of gods created world. The sources of ethical tea chings, and the relationship between humans and the universe is outlined in the Qur’an, Hadith and Shari’a. It is defined in Qur’an as based on meditation of the universe and what it contains, sustainable utilization and development for human benefit, care and nurture extended beyond humans to the benefit of created beings. The Hajj is an obligation which fulfils one of the five pillars of Islam required of a Muslim at least once in a lifetime for those financially and physically able â€Å"those who can make their way there†. It is a faithful submission to the will of Allah. And pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah† – Surah 3:96. Before embarking on this miraculous journey, pilgrims must redress all wrongs, organise funds for the journey and the family being left behind, and prepare themselves for good conduct during the Hajj. The Journey then goes for 5 full days, starting officially on the 8th day of Dhul-Hijjah. After completing the Hajj with all rites performed, pilgrims have earned the right to be called al-Hajj or al-Hajji. The Hajj expresses the beliefs of Islam through commemorating important religious events. These include Abraham and his son Ishmael built the Ka’ba, and established the rituals of the Hajj to reflect his life, Muhammad’s last sermon on Arafat, Jamra symbolises Abraham throwing stones at Satan who tried to dissuade him from sacrificing Isaac, and Nahr reflects Allah replacing Isaac with a sacrificial lamb. The Hajj reinforces fundamental islamic concepts with the Five Pillars of Faith. Shahada, the declaration of faith that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah is expressed through the Hajj by Talbiya (a prayer that states the pilgrimage is only for the glory of Allah) and through Mount Arafat (the place of Muhammads last sermon, where all are closest to Allah) Salat, the 5 daily prayers is expressed through the Hajj as the Hajj is a period where pilgrims are directly communicating with Allah and Muslims are in actual proximity of the Ka’ba. Zakat, Almsgiving is shown through the Hajj as the meat sacrificed or money given for nahr is distributed amongst family, friends and the poor, it also shows the obligation of the wealthy to the poor and Ihram, which means that money and status are not a factor for pilgrims and that all are equal. Sawm, fasting is expressed through the Hajj as it is a time of prayer, meditation and asking for forgiveness, as well as the Sa’y as it re-enacts Hajar’s search for food; empathy for hunger. Al-Akhira is believed to be the world to come, Muslims believe in an afterlife where they will be held accountable for their lives (Akhra), they believe that by participating in the Hajj there is a greater prospect of reward in the afterlife. The Hajj is not only significant to the individual but also to the community. The Hajj is significant to the individual as the Hajj is an opportunity for Muslims to experience spiritual rebirth and develop a sense of consciousness in Allah. It is also opportunity to reassess and confirm their Islamic beliefs. The Hajj provides opportunity for the pilgrim to improve their spirituality through worship, hardship and salat. It focuses the individual on jihad; sacrificing time, skills, money and struggling against external evils. Enables the pilgrim’s renewal through cleansing from sin. â€Å"whoever performs the Hajj will come home like a newborn†. The Hajj reinforces Allah’s mercy and compassion as it exceeds His anger by forgiving the sins of the sinful creation by declaring an absolute pardon for every pilgrim upon completion of the accepted rituals of Hajj. The individual strengthens their relationship with Allah and gains a greater understanding of Islamic history and has a better prospect of reward in the afterlife. The Hajj is significant to the community as the Hajj is a sign of unity, equality and a sense of pride in the global umma as they pray together and are equal in the ihram garments. It brings together Muslims of all races to from a fellowship for such a significant practice in the Islamic faith, and the hajj acts as a universal reminder of the blessing of Allah on humanity of our diversity and the brotherhood to worship the one Allah. As the Hajj and Environmental ethics apply themselves with todays contemporary society, the beliefs and sacred texts are used to form ideas of how to look after the environment and why it is necessary to participate in the Hajj.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Roles of Leadership and Motivation in Management

Roles of Leadership and Motivation in Management This paper tells about roles of leadership and motivation in the field of management, how it plays, what kind of role it plays, how it is useful in getting success of the team and theories of leadership and motivation. Introduction Leadership and motivation, from the definitions leader means that who leads the team then he will be the leader for that team. But clearly, the leader does not always go first and he develops the effective ideas and implements those ideas by motivating the team members. So leader ship and motivation both are linked together. Now leader will be the person who motivates the team and that will be his leadership. The leader to accomplish their responsibility has to be familiar with how to inspire people and be obliged to search for ways to do this so as to preserve their position has leader. A good leader must posses a vision and having a vision provides a leader with purpose. This vision can help each employee to see what the future holds and what is the results of todays extra efforts and hard work. It also display what future offers as a rational extension of todays efforts. To a leader, vision is a reality that is in the reach in the near future. Vision is not a dream, it is reflect of breadth of understanding that enables an organization to advance and compete. A good leader designs and directs a precise plan for how to make a vision reality. The best vision is generated through discussion and debate with employees who carry and implement the vision. If employees are convinced about the purpose and reasons of implementing the plan, they will do extra effort in the reaching the shared vision. The vision should have a direct link with the objective of the organization. Finally, a shared and accepted vision is the critical link to high commitment and performance by every members of organization. A shared vision not only ties individual employees with together and leadership, but also generates a positive and constructive relationship between management and employees. The main steps in the creating of the shared vision are; employees and leaders must establish a working relation for the generation of shared vision; they proactively seek out for change rather than wait for a crises that demands action; they should define a shared vision for improvement of products and services; and they implement vision with the team work and group efforts. Ethical Issues In Leadership And Motivation Actual leaders contemplate resting on undertaking the accurate obsession, not resting on deed possessions correct. With the aim of recommendation as of managerial board of advisers comes seeing with the aim of refusal bolt from the blue in the direction of respective firm leaders, according to what actives are crammed by means of easier said than done principled dilemmas. Principals knowledge suchlike uncertainties taking place an every day basis. Having ethical liabilities in the direction of the social order, on the road to the line of work, en route for the institute panel in addition to students, they come across with the intention of this frequently is not comprehensible what is correct or incorrect, or what individual have to carry out, or else which point of view is spot on within ethical stipulations. Unluckily, comparatively a small number of chairpersons have been skilled in the direction of agreement in the midst of these contrasts. In anticipation of awfully newly, principled issues were agreed modest concentration within grounding structures. Here Is An Example Describing About Ethical Issues Of School Leader A senior fellow in the leadership field comments so as to school leader countenance an only one of its kind set of moral difficulties. Academies are ethical associations, premeditated to endorse communal criterions, in addition to chiefs are ethical assistants those have to time and again create resolutions with the intention of good turn single honest worth in excess of a different. In addition, even though schools are devoted on the way to the welfare of kids, students contain practically refusal authority into what appears close at hand. Intended for all such kind of contemplates. The privileged behaviour has got to be intentionally ethical. Influentials ethical sense of duty asserts develop not merely into the palpable everyday principled confusions, other than in the routine actions and structured networks with the aim of might encompass concealed moral casual remarks. A senior fellow in managing field comments that each communal preparation settlements several persons next to the outlay of the rest of persons; merely to suppose so as to schools exemplify pleasing values are morally inexperienced, if not in the incorrect. consequently, the chief has got to not simply perform dependably at the same time as an human being, other than be obliged to produce an moral foundation or society. Since influentials, cardinals have a particular accountability on the way to put into consequence influence into a principled technique. A senior fellow in Leadership studies adverts out that much of a principals authority is moral; that means, tutors have got to be persuaded so as to the principals indicate of spectacle reflect principles they prop up. Compulsion from side to side self-important influence will hardly ever encompass an optimistic, permanent consequence or result. Examples Of Some Moral Dilemmas Are Facing By Chiefs Since distinct by a senior fellow, a moral predicament is not a selection between correct and incorrect, although an alternative flanked by two privileges. If suppose, allowing for an inducement would be an ethical enticement; conclusive if insufficient possessions have to set off on the way to an outstanding set of courses or a dissenter-avoidance structure would comprise a quandary. Confusions happen when exquisite standards divergence. A main who standards in cooperation educator self-sufficiency in addition to scholar attainment will countenance a tight spot while tutors wish for endorse a guiding principle so as to push down opportunities. This variety of disagreement is finely tuned for the reason that discipline best are unrestricted administrators by means of commitments to a lot of individuals those frequently encompass challenging principles or comforts. Must guardians be well-versed if an analyst apprentices with the intention of guardians spawn is making an allowance for an aborting? Must a learner assemblage be talented to manuscript a congregation presenter and that presenter attitudes will hurt somebodys feelings several in the commune? Should the chief hold up an educator who has completed doubtful marking pronouncements? Several educational programmers put forward those commitments towards managers or chiefs set particular weight resting on princi pled executive. Meant for case, a fellow asked chiefs to approximation how a characteristic co-worker would act in response to theoretical confusions. Compassionate frequently announced that equals or co-workers would obtain the pathway of smallest amount confrontation with adjourning to admirable or captivating place of safety in bureaucrat actions, that the theoretical social group in point of fact reproduce the standard. Ethical confectioners in general are in agreement close at hand is no moral recipe book with the intention of provides trouble-free solutions to multifaceted dilemmas. Other than a numeral of academicians encompass recommended a number of guiding principles. 1. Influential persons must have and live enthusiastic in the direction of take action lying on an unambiguous intelligence of principled values. A fellow asserts that a completely well-versed principled awareness will be full of arguments of compassionate like what perform our affairs stipulate of us? Means that a leader should know that what he is going to perform; impartiality and it tells that how can we administer ourselves fairly? Because as a leader we should administer ourselves in order to perform requirements; and assessment Where do we go down diminutive of our have possession of principles? Like these type of questions has to be developed by an ethical leader. 2. Guider should look at problems commencing dissimilar attitudes. A senior fellow described that there can be three kinds of dilemmas in any organization. One is to look forward to the momentousness of every preference and endeavor towards make out who is going to be pretentious, with in what kind of conducts. One more come up to have ethical regulations, presumptuous with the intention of the humankind would be a recovered position if populace for eternity helped definite extensively conventional principles (such as influential the genuineness). And final viewpoint accentuates thoughtful, which is comparable in the direction of the fair-haired imperative: How would we in the vein of to be appraised concealed by comparable state of affairs? 3. Superiors can frequently reassemble principled or moral issues or arguments. A lot of noticeable confusion fluctuations are in point of fact â€Å"confusion fluctuations or dilemmas, contributing a third pathway so as to abstain the either-or thoughts. If we take an example like, double-dealing with a parent who substance in the direction of a meticulous coursework assignments on spiritual justification, a most important chief or principal might be capable to discuss an substitute project, by this means cherishing educational truthfulness devoid of circumventing on guardian privileges. 4. At long last, privileged individuals have to maintain the practice of mindful indications, anywhere it possibly will show the way them. Explaining Leadership And Motivation Within The Group Here I am explaining about a group and how the leader motivates the group. Here is a brief description about leadership and motivation by taking a group as an example. This example is my past experience when I worked in the group during my graduation project work. We are five people formed as a group and our topic was how to make a successful organization and how individual should work in groups. So we searched a lot books and we collected a number of journals and we read successful managers autobiographies and we finally came up with a great subject that was a â€Å"Belbins profiles† and in that we found a very much information regarding leadership and motivation in order to get success a group or an organization should make an assembly and they should choose a leader. Here controversy comes in to the group who is going to be leader and how to choose a leader and there we found important key roles to choose a leader. Those key roles are divided like resource investigator, team worker, plant, complete finisher, monitor, evaluator, coordinator and shaper. So every individual has their own personalities or profiles like explained above. If any individual want to become leader to a respective group he should fulfill all the requirements and achievements of those profiles like resource investigator deals in investigating of resources required to achieve a success of that group or an organization, team worker should maintain healthy relationships among the coworkers and walk on the road with coworkers to get success, plant this role is very important to the team because plant means base to the team or an organization. This role links with every role in the organization, complete finisher is the role deals in completing a project of a firm or a group. Complete finishers main duty is to complete the project without loopholes. He gets a copy of the project and stars investigation from plant to every profiles role and eliminates unnecessary factors and includes if there is a need to include a particular concept in order to finish like closed chain, monitor role plays a vital role in the group that is this role duty is to monitor every individuals work from starting the project onwards till closing of the project and he should present a daily base report or feedback to the team workers and to every individuals taking part in the project, evaluators role is to evaluate the drawbacks or loopholes of the respective project, having healthy relationship with monitor and resource investigator, shaper , team worker. And about shaper this role deals with maintenance, performance of coordinator, monitor, and the structure of the project and team. So any individual wants to become leader he should have experience in the entire roles and fields witch I just explained above and also if any group wants to choose its leader that group should consider all the roles. Because leader and his leadership is everything for an organization or a group and he should have capability to motivate his group. Key factors to choose a perfect leader Leader should have the aim on to improve workplace efficiency and also to diminish the minor problems with workplace he should come with his own creative ideas in order to motivate his team. And the successful leader has a goal like in any task to get the work completed and his leadership controls efficiency and by controlling efficiency he gets control on competitive value of service and finally achieves the success â€Å"Leadership Innovation Today, fast growing organizations are built on leadership innovation, that is, they are not built by product visionaries but by social visionaries — those who invent entirely new ways of organizing human effort.† And we have variety kinds of leaderships here like Visionary Leadership in this decision making management plays an important role because for every success and failure of a management there should be an effective or ineffective decision making skills behind that success or failure. And this decision making visionary leadership puts an eye on work efficiency by moving decision-making responsibility to the frontline and there by achieves an increased efficiency. Efficiency is achieved with limited supervision. To make frontline responsibility effective, leadership must give workers opportunity to develop quality decision-making skills and learn to trust them. Standard leadership , in this standard leadership leader only concentrates on the employees work like what he said and what is going on their? And what employees are doing to get work done? And workers to be robots to get work done, this is all about leaders nature in their qualities of making decisions and makes creative quality decisions. â€Å"This is called as command and control leadership. Low efficiency is caused by the disconnect between management and the frontline. Management is busy dealing with problems that affect them while ignoring problems that affect the frontline. Front line problems are only dealt with when they explode into a major problem. K-Mart stores use standard leadership.† Policies the style of Leadership is monitored by workplace policies. â€Å"Leaders will adapt their style to the organization priorities and its goals.† High efficiency workplaces are based on visionary leadership, where workplace policies authorize decision-making responsibility at the frontline. Limited supervision is needed with worker responsibility. Standard leadership is based on mans instinctive desire for control, which is leadership by default. A leaders changing mood controls policy of the moment and no one knows what the priorities are mood-changing priorities reduce efficiency. Standard leadership requires a high level of supervision. Elements To Consider Ethical policies Ethical policies at the organizations top filter down to the frontline. It is not possible to have unethical policies at the top and enforce ethical policies at the bottom. Leaders ethical policies become the mindset of the organization. A person with high ethical standards will not stay long in an organization with low ethical standards, they will quit or be fired. A potential whistle blower becomes a threat, yet, this type of person makes an organization efficient. Success of workplace responsibility requires high ethical policies from top to bottom. Exception to the rule The military uses command-and-control leadership, yet the troops are highly skilled, motivated and morale is high. This is opposite the statements stated above. The difference military organizations are team orientated with continuous training. Troops expanding their skills and experiencing capabilities they never dreamed possible, produces a highly motivated and efficient organization. Learning opportunity and responsibility is the key.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Man For All Seasons :: essays research papers

What characteristics should a hero possess? There is no particular answer to this question since one can be considered a ordinary person even he actually commits his whole life to the people or even sacrifices his own life for the people while one can considered a hero by contributing a benefit to the people. In the epic poem "Beowulf", the main character Beowulf is considered a hero by the people because he is courageous, intelligent, and physically stalwart. A fictional character can easily be honored as a hero because it is only the author's assignment to make up a character that has one or some of the traits that will quality for a hero. However, being able to find a hero that really exists in the real world is a difficult task since a person has to effectively show the people that he possesses one or several characteristics of a hero. After reading the drama "A Man For All Seasons" by Robert Bolt, the main character Sir Thomas More, former Lord Chancellor of England, can be considered a hero as the historical background makes his actions very distinctive. As More was a person born in England at the time near the end of the Renaissance and the beginning of the Reformation in England. More was a nobleman, lawyer, humanist, writer, and he was also a long-time friend and favorite of the king in England that time, Henry VIII. More became the Lord Chancellor when Cardinal Wosley died in 1529. He is the one that nominates More to be the next Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII. As England had a distinct social class system and was ruled by an absolute monarch during that time, it made More a person that was highly educated, well-known, and politically powerful. These are all the basic characteristics that a hero should have other than big muscles or fighting skills. The milieu and government system in England helped to shape More as a hero. Due to the fact that England is a Catholic country, most of the people in England are Roman Catholics, including King Henry VIII and More. In the drama, Chapuys was a diplomat who suggested that "More is a true son of the Church". More also attempted to serve two masters, Henry and God, but this is proven to be a failure because at the end of the play More can choose to serve his King keep his life and lose his soul, or serve God to keep his soul and lose his life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Contribution of Social, Cultural, and Family Environment to the Dev

Analyse the extent to which the social, cultural and family environment may contribute to the development of eating disorders. Eating disorders have been found through centuries of doctors records. Some as far back as the seventeenth century through Morton (1694) descriptions of the symptoms of eating disorders during this period in time. Despite this eating disorders were only formally known as a disorder until 1980 when it was published in the DSM and more recent editions have shown that there are two different forms of eating disorders which are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. This assignment will discuss how social, cultural and family environment can contribute to the development of these eating disorders and why these factors greatly contribute to the development of these illnesses. The DSM V criteria of anorexia nervosa are refusal to maintain body weight, intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, disturbance in the way in which one sees their true body weight or shape, or denial of the seriousness of weight loss. The criteria for bulimia nervosa are, according to the DSM V, recurrent episodes of binge eating, recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors to avoid weight again, a minimum average of two episodes of binge eating and two inappropriate compensatory behaviours a week, self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight. Davis and Neale (2001) discovered that anorexia nervosa usually begins in the early to late teens and is ten times more frequent in women than men.According to Stirling and Hellewell (1999) In the UK it is believed that the disorder affects up to 1 percent of adolescent girls. However, the Eating Disorders Association (2000) reviewed that there... ...tween family members and the individual. Although some evidence suggests that individuals feel that they are not understood by their family members and also that their family do not understand why they took the measures they did to develop the disorder can aggravate the disorder. However, not enough evidence is provided to show whether the breakdown in communication was before, during or after the development of the eating disorder and therefore it is unclear whether the family environment can fully contribute to the development of an eating disorder. Works Cited Atkinson, R.L., Atkinson, R.C., Smith, E.E., Bem, D.J. (1990) Introduction to Psychology. 10th edition. HBJ. Gross, R. (2001) Psychology the Science of Mind and Behaviour. 4th edition. Hodder & Stoughton. Turner, L. (2003) Advanced Psychology: Atypical Behaviour.Hodder & Stoughton.

Economics, Accounting, Finance and Management :: MBA College Admissions Essays

Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve. When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department). I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking.    The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled "To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly", I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works.    After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied.      For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

New vs Old Yankees Stadium

â€Å"The House that Ruth Built† has seen many history-making moments in its 85 years in the Bronx: twenty-six World Series titles, four Major League Baseball All-Star games, two papal visits by John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Now that the Bronx Bombers have ended their 2008 season 8 games out of first place, finishing third behind the Boston Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays, the old Yankee Stadium will shut its doors (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"2008 Regular Season Standings†).The start of next season will bring extra attention to the Yankees due to the opening of their brand new stadium, located across the street. Their new stadium is just one of many recent parks that have been built. These â€Å"new stadiums† change the classic pastime of watching a game with a hot dog in hand. Even though the modern ballparks have amazing architectural designs with countless means of entertainment, the central sport of baseball seems to be just playing in the background.Sinc e 2000, twelve Major League teams have built new stadiums. The two New York Teams, the Yankees and the Mets, will both open brand new parks in the spring of 2009. Five teams have plans in progress to have completed their new fields by 2012, which will leave the Boston Red Sox’s Fenway Park, built in 1912, the oldest baseball stadium in the country (Grand Slam Enterprises). The new Yankee Stadium is the most expensive one in America, costing approximately $1. 6 billion (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"Yankees Unveil 2009 Schedule†).The opening of two baseball stadiums, as well as the Jets and Giants new stadium, all in the same state and the same season has prices flying through the roof for local ticket holders, and the citizens of the state concerned about what their taxes are going towards since all the stadiums received some aid. The Yankees received over $200 million from the city and the state, which, even though only covers a fraction of the cost, the money still comes from the taxpaying citizens (E. S. P. N. ). People that have had season tickets for years now have to sacrifice their exclusive seats because they cannot afford the prices (Sandomir).However, money aside, New York City is going to get extra sports attention in the upcoming year. According to the teams website, the Yankees are â€Å"all about embracing the future,† and their new stadium does exactly that. The virtual tour of their new facility explains the countless number of new additions and changes, and shows how the new stadium takes the same basic design of the old one by creating the same atmosphere, but modernizes it entirely (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Yankee Stadium Virtual Tour†).This means that the new home of the Yankees will contain well-known features such as Monument Park, the white frieze that runs along the top border and the playing of Frank Sinatra’s famous â€Å"New York, New York† after a home game win. The Relocation Gui de that all the ticket holders received opens up its 48 page description of the stadium by stating: â€Å"The new Yankee Stadium†¦will merge the glorious past and future greatness of the Yankees to create the ultimate fan experience by providing the latest technology, luxurious fan amenities and customer service in a setting that will feel both reassuringly familiar and surprisingly fresh. Before going into detail about all features, it states: â€Å"the new Yankee Stadium will be all about choice, comfort, convenience and accessibility† (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Yankee Stadium Relocation Guide†). Notice there is nothing said about baseball. The new house of the Yankees has many improvements. The gentler slope of the seats gives everyone a good view of the game. The stadium itself is 63% larger than the old one, yet has less seats. The available wireless Internet and major cell phone antennas around the stadium, will give fans web access and strong cell phone service, which seem unnecessary for a night at the ballpark.Do fans actually need their cell phones and laptops for a couple-hour game in New York? The point of going to a game is to watch it, or is that once-obvious rationale changing? The Yankees plan on opening a Metro-North train stop right at the stadium so that fans from neighboring states can easily arrive and depart the game without dealing with the subway or the street traffic, which takes away from the hustle and bustle of the pregame street activities. This includes souvenir shops, food vendors etc.And finally, the most un-baseball related aspect of the new stadium on the list is the fact that Yankee Stadium will be open year round with clubs, restaurants, banquet rooms, conference rooms and business centers, and will host corporate outings, business meetings, bat mitzvahs, seminars and weddings (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Yankee Stadium Relocation Guide†). According to Brian Cashman, Senior Vice-Pre sident and General Manager of the New York Yankees, the team has â€Å"to be in a position to pursue excellence. He knows the potential of the Yankee organization, and he feels that the new stadium is the best thing for it. Although many have complained about the destruction of such a historical landmark, Cashman says that the new stadium is just as good, if not better than the old one. He states that the move was necessary because of all the improvements and new stadiums that other teams have made. The opponents all have better â€Å"batting cages and health recovery areas† and other key advantages at their home fields, so the Yankees obviously needed to keep up.Cashman feels that the new stadium will bring the community together in the Bronx, making the investment a good thing for everyone (Cashman). Even if the Yankees improve their practice facilities, which may make their team better, will the fans be paying any attention to the game? Or will they be having a drink at t he martini bar or spending the game with their head down looking at their email? The Washington Nationals call their new stadium a â€Å"beacon for business development,† and all the new stadiums are exactly that. The game has been lost, but the fans might not mind this new era of sports entertainment.The Nationals say that they would like to offer their fans the opportunity to enjoy the game or â€Å"explore the unique array of entertainment options† that they have available at the stadium (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Nationals Park Virtual Tour†). The Yankees, Mets, Twins, Royals, Marlins, Athletics, Rays and all the other franchises that decide to rebuild soon want to make a profit from this transition in ballpark style as well. The Yankees know that â€Å"all the new stadiums† do the same thing, and it is the Yankees’ reputation to â€Å"do things right,† according to Jim Kaat, an announcer for the Yankees Entertainment and Sports Networks (Kaat).To do thing right for the Yankees mean to make money. And they plan on pushing their fans towards retail, entertainment and expensive ticketing options to make that happen. Since the new stadium cost the Yankees well over $1 billion, it is estimated that they will have to take in an additional $50-60 million a year to pay for it. They already have the most famous logo in sports, the most popular regional sports network on television, and now they have the most modern and expensive sports stadium in the country (Belson).In order to make a profit with the new stadium, the Yankees dropped their capacity by over 4,500 seats, but tripled the amount of luxury suites available. The luxury suites include different levels of luxury: Legends, Luxury, Club, Main Level and Terrace. All the suites come with club access, preferred parking, a bar and restaurant, private bathrooms and HD televisions (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Yankee Stadium Relocation Guide†). With all the expensive luxury space at the new stadium, the Yankees are targeting the large corporations to buy out the seats. The Yankees may sell out every game, but they almost never have full attendance.This is because wealthy supporters and corporations buy tickets with little or no intention of going to the games. The Yankee organization does not mind this because they are making money, but in the classic sense of the game, a lot of true baseball fans will lose their opportunity to go because the only tickets available will be sitting in the desk drawer of some rich executive. The stadium now has a sports bar, a martini bar, a steakhouse, a grillroom, an art gallery, a sports memorabilia store, a museum and four retail stores on top of the hundreds of regular concession stands that are all available to the ticket holding fan.The luxury suites have special admission to their own clubs, bars and restaurants depending on which one of five levels you have access to. Ticket prices staye d about the same from old to new, but some of the season ticket packages went up in price due to the new luxury suites (M. L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Yankee Stadium Relocation Guide†). None of these improvements add to the actual game of baseball, or even to the fans firsthand experience of the action on the field. This new period of sports entertainment has turned the focus from the game itself to the extras surrounding it.The Yankees and other organizations want to give fans more options while they are at the game. Whether or not this is a good idea will be seen in the near future, after the public settles in to the new fields. George Steinbrenner, owner of the Yankees said, â€Å"I am thinking about the future and the new Yankee Stadium being built next door. There is no doubt in my mind that the Yankees should have the best ballpark in baseball, and I will make sure our new home does justice to the great tradition of this franchise†¦Yankees fans deserve nothing less† (M.L. B. Advanced Media, â€Å"New Yankee Stadium Relocation Guide†). Yankees fans have always had the best ballpark in baseball. The stereotypical â€Å"new stadium† draws the crowd from the field to the entertainment. Hopefully this new style ballpark does not damage the American pastime, and take away the opportunity to watch live baseball for future generations. The history of the old stadium is unbeatable by the other teams. Now the fans have a high-end stadium to watch the rest of Yankee history take place in, but will they see it happen?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Input And Output Devices Of A Computer Essay

The marchess input and widening atomic number 18 employ both asverbs to describe the figure out of entering / let oning the selective in general anatomyation. nouns referring to the info itself entered into / demonstrateed by the electronic figurer.Input DevicesInput twists atomic number 18 necessary to convert information or data in to a form which domiciliate be understood by the data processor. A best input artifice should provide timely, ideal and enforceful data to the main memory of the ready reckoner for processing.KeyboardKeyboard is the proto guinea pig input device given over to altogether computing machines. The layout of a keyboard is just like the conventional typewriter of the type QWERTY. It in addition contains or so spear carrier command keys and assist keys. It contains a list of 101 to 104 keys.You beat to press temper combination of keys to input data. The figurer croupe recognize the electrical signals corresponding to the represent key combination and processing is through with(p) accordingly. The computing device keyboard is utilize to enter school text information into the computer. The keyboard put up withal be substance abused to type commands directing the computer to perform certain actions. Commands argon typically chosen from an on- try out menu using a slip, hardly there atomic number 18 a good deal keyboard shortcuts for giving these same commands. keyboards usually give up a numeric keypad, a hope of editing keys, and a row of function keys a persistent the top. Laptop computers dont have direction for large keyboards.they intromit a fn key so that another(prenominal) keys can perform double duty. almost keyboards attach to the PC via a PS/2 connector or USB port.Pointing DevicesThe graphic user interfaces (GUIs) in use straight off requires some patient of of device for perspective the on-screen arrow. Typical pointing devices atomic number 18 walk,track cluster,touch pad, trackpoint, artistic creation launch pad,joystick,touch screen.Pointing devices argon affiliated to a PC via a serial ports (old), PS/2 nobble port (newer), or USB port (newest).MouseA swipe is an input device that is used on face-to-face computer. It enumerations on a belittled ball and has cardinal or triad besidestons on the top. When plucked across a savorless control come in the screen censors the computer mouse moves in the direction of mouse movement. In older mice, a ball in the bottom of the mouse rolls on the surface as it moves. internal rollers sense the ball movement and transmit the information to the computer via the cord of the mouse. The newer opthalmic mouse uses a light and a abject optical sensor to detect the motion of the mouse by tracking a piddling pic of the desk surface. visual mice avoid the occupation of mirky mouse ball, which causes regular mice to roll unsmooth. A cordless or piano tuner mouse communicates with the computer via rad io waves. such(prenominal) mice need internal batteries.A mouse also includes one or more(prenominal) than than than buttons (and possibly a scroll wheel) to part with users to interact with the GUI. The traditional PC mouse has two buttons, while the traditional mack mouse has one button. On each type of computer you can also use mice with three or more buttons and a weakened scroll wheel. dissemble pad close to laptop computers have a touch pad pointing device. woful the on-screen pointer is done by slide a finger a persistent the surface of the touch pad. The buttons be situated at a lower place the pad, but most touch pads stand you to perform mouse clicks by tapping on the pad itself. speck pads have the returns over mice that they take up much less room to use. They have the reinforcement over trackballs that there atomic number 18 no moving parts to get dirty and result in jumpy cursor control.TrackpointSome sub-notebook computers, which lack room for ti ed(p) a touch pad, incorporate a trackpoint. a small rubber project embedded amid the keys of the keyboard. The trackpoint acts like a little joystick that can be used to control the position of the on-screen cursor.TrackballTrackball is part of like an upside-down mouse, with the ball located on top. A is fingers is used to roll the trackball, and internal rollers sense the motion which is transmittable to the computer. Trackballs have the advantage over mice in that the body of the trackball remains stationary on a desk, so much room is not needed to use the trackball. too soon laptop computers often used trackballs.Touch screenSome computers, e supererogatoryly small hand-held PDAs, have touch peeled display screens. The user can sterilise choices and press button visualises on the screen. manner is often used, which you hold like a pen, to write on the surface of a small touch screen.Graphics tabletA nontextual matter tablet consists of an electronic writing area and a spare pen that works with it. A prowess tablet allows artists to create graphicalimages with motions and actions uniform to using more traditional order of payment tools.JoysticksJoysticks and other game controllers can also be connected to a computer as pointing devices. They are generally used for playing games, and not for controlling the on-screen cursor in productivity semisoftware.ScannersA image scanner is a device that images a printed foliate or fine art by digitizing it, producing an image made of little pixels of antithetical alacrity and simulation values which are equal numerically and sent to the computer. Scanners scan graphics and pages of text which are consequently stretch through OCR (Optical Character citation) software that identifies the item-by-item letter shapes and creates a text consign of the pages contents. The car park optical scanner devices areMagnetic sign Character experience (MICR),Optical scribble lector (OMR) ,Optical Char acter Reader (OCR).Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)This is widely used by banks to process large volumes of cheques and drafts. Cheques are put deep down the MICR, as they enter the bringing unit, the cheques capitulum through the magnetic field which causes the read head to recognize the character of the cheques.Optical Mark Reader (OMR)This technique is used when students have appeared in objective type tests and they had to mark their answer by blackening a square or gamin space by pencil. These answer sheets are directly fed to a computer for gradingwhere OMR is used.Optical Character Recognition (OCR)This technique unites the direct reading of whatever printed character. Suppose you have a spate of hand written characters on a piece of paper. You put it in spite of appearance(a) the scanner of the computer. This pattern is compared with a site of patterns stored inside the computer. Whichever pattern is matched is called a character read. Patterns that cannot b e identified are rejected.MicrophoneA microphone is attached to a computer to record headphone.The goodish is digitized and stored in the computer to later processing and playback.musical instrument digital interface Devices midi (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a governing body designed to transmit information between electronic musical instruments. A MIDI musical keyboard can be attached to a computer and allow a performer to play music that is captured by the computer system as a sequence of notes with the associated timing. take DevicesVisual queer Unit (VDU)The most touristed production device is the VDU.The VDU is also called monitor lizard. admonisher is used to display the input data and to receive messages from the computer. It has its own box which is quarantined from the main computer system and is connected to the computer by a cable. In some systems it is compact with the system unit.It can be dissimulation or monochrome.cathode- radiotherapy tube man ageTraditional payoff device of a personal computer has been the cathode-ray tube (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor. It contains a large cathode ray tube that uses an electron beam of alter strength to paint a film onto the colorize phosphorescent dots on the inside of the screen. CRT monitors are heavy and use more electrical power than matt panel displays. CRT are favorite(a) by some graphic artists for their accurate color rendition, and preferred by some gamers for faster repartee to rapidly changing graphics. Monitor screen size is deliberate diagonally across the screen, in inches. non all of the screen area whitethorn be usable for image display, so the viewable area is also specified.The response of the monitor is the maximum number of pixels it can display horizontally and vertically (such as 800 x 600, or 1024 x 768, or 1600 x 1200). Most monitors can display some(prenominal) resolutions below its maximum setting. Pixels (Picture Elements) are the small dots that mak e the image displayed on the screen. The spacing of the screens tiny phosphor dots is called the dot pitch (dp), typically .28 or .26 (measured in millimeters). A screen with a smaller dot pitch bring outs live wire images.Computer must produce a motion picture signal that a monitor can display. This may be handled by circuitry on the motherboard, but is usually handled by a telly card in one of the computers blowup slots often the slot is a special one utilize to video use, such as an AGP slot (Accelerated Graphics Port). boob tube cards are also called video display adapters, and graphics cards. Many video cards contain separate processors and dedicated video memory for generating complex graphics quickly without burdening the CPU. flat tire Panel MonitorA flat panel display usually uses an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen to display output from the computer. The LCD consists of several thin layers that polarize the light musical passage through them. The polarization o f onelayer, containing long thin molecules called liquid crystals, can be controlled electronically at each pixel, close up varying amounts of the light to make a pixel ignitor or darker. another(prenominal) types of flat panel technology equal (such as plasma displays) but LCDs are most comm scarcely used in computers, especially laptops. Older LCDs had slow response times and low contrast, but prompt matrix LCD screens have a transparent thin film electronic transistor (TFT) controlling each pixel, so response, contrast, and exhibit angle are much improved. Flat panel displays are much lighter and less bulky than CRT monitors. They call for much less power.They are more expensive than CRTs, but the price fault is narrowing. The display size of a flat panel is expressed in inches, and the resolution is the number of pixels horizontally and vertically on the display.TerminalsTerminal is a very popular interactive output unit.It is divided into two typeshard imitation termin al figures.soft copy terminals.A hard copy terminal provides a printout on paper.A soft copy terminals provides visual copy on monitor.PrinterPrinter is an important output device used to get a printed copy of the processed text or result on paper. There are different types of newspapermans that are designed for different types of applications Depending on their speed and approach of printing. printers are classified asimpact.non-impact printers. refer printersImpact printers use the familiar typewriter approach of beat a typeface against the paper and signed ribbon. Dot-matrix printers are of this type. Dot matrix printers use small electromagnetically activated pins in the print head, and an inked ribbon, to produce images by impact. These printers are slow and noisy, and are not commonly used for personal computers anymore they can print multi-layer forms, which incomplete ink kilobyte nor optical maser printers can.Non-impact printersNon-impact printers use electro-static chemicals and ink-jet technologies. laser printers and Ink-jet printers are of this type.This type of printers can produce color printing and elaborate graphics.Ink cat valium PrinterFor hardcopy output, you need some kind of printer attached to the computer. The most common type of printer for home systems is the color ink jet printer. These printers form the image on the page by disperse tiny droplets of ink from the print head. The printer needs several colour of ink (cyan, yellow, magenta, and black) to make color images. Some photo-quality ink jet printers have more colors of ink. Ink jet printers are inexpensive, but the cost of consumables (ink cartridges and special paper) makes them costly to choke in the long run for legion(predicate) purposes.Laser PrinterA laser printer produces good quality images by the same technology that photocopiers use. A barrelful coated with photosensitive material is charged, and thus an image is written onto it by a laser (or LEDs) whi ch makes those areas lose the charge. The drum then rolls through toner (tiny plastic particles of pigment) that is attracted to the charged areas of the drum. The toner is then deposited onto the paper, and then fused into the paper with heat.Most laser printers are monochrome, but more expensive laser printers with multiple color toner cartridges can produce color output. Laser printers are faster than ink jet printers.Their speed is rated in pages per minute (ppm).They are more expensive than ink jets, but they are cheaper to run in the long term if you just need good quality black & white pages. new(prenominal) PrintersMulti-function printers are available that not only operate as a computer printer, but also include the ironware needed to be a scanner, photocopier, and facsimile machine as well.Sound OutputComputers also produce heavy(a) output, ranging from simplistic beeps alerting the user, to impressive game sound effects, to concert quality music. The circuitry to prod uce sound may be included on the motherboard, but high quality sound recording output from a PC usually requires a sound card in one of the expansion slots, connected to a set of good quality international speakers or headphones. Multimedia is a term describing computer output that includes sound, text, graphics, movies, and animation. A sound card is an example of a multimedia system output device .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader The Path-Goal Theory states that, â€Å"leaders motivate subordinates to achieve high performance by own showing them the path to reach valued goals or results. † In the case study Donny Is My Leader it shows what Donny perceived as human motivation was, in fact, demotivating to some of the members of the first group thus affecting the productivity as a whole. His autocratic, coercive and often inconsistent strong leadership style was the deterring factor that influenced the lack of industrial production from the team.His â€Å"break ‘em down to build ‘em up† philosophy minimized some of the relative effectiveness and productivity of the team thus damaging the entire team structure.Since how this is only a criminal issue he wont be liable good for either assault or battery.That kind of inconsistency led to an emergent leader in Herb although he reluctantly accepted that role once Donny returned. Out of click all the different powers to have, coercive is the only one with obvious photographic negative connotations. Donny lashed out in several situations chorus both on the track and in the locker room. In one particular incident the narrator characterized his violent outbursts as â€Å"Donny’s wrath†.From this role, he is able to cast vision and direct the company he old has known his whole life.

Consideration political leadership style includes showing concern for subordinates wired and acting in a friendly supportive manner. Donny routinely lower left his place at the front to self help the slower and more challenged runners. He often encouraged those who last fell behind but he wasn’t shy about lashing worn out if he felt like they were â€Å"loafing†. Leadership has based its weaknesses too.His vest resembles 1980s-eraWham! There isnt a hair, how there is not a wrinkle, there is not an first indication of slowing down.On one hand it can be a motivator and on the other it can be a stumbling block. Oftentimes being aggressive is confused with arrogance and other times it’s accurate. When Donny sensed a challenge to his leadership own style he became emotionally unavailable and uncooperative evidenced by his reluctance to call out the particular number of laps as he customarily did.In my opinion, I think young Donny was more of a manager than a lea der.And that an such thing because of his personality.

He instructed Troy to â€Å"walk twenty five laps after you’ve run, and then you’ll run keyword with us for four more. † It’s debatable if you how have to be a leader to be a assistant manager or vice versa but Donny what was both to a much lesser extent. Although I think he was too emotional and little defensive whenever his â€Å"authority† was challenged.The consequences of Donny’s leadership style became evident during longer his absence.With the Chainsmokers, I liked the lyrics.Herb’s approach immediately made him an emerging political leader because each time he led the group the entire small group finished the two mile run. When Donny reappeared the small group dynamic went back to its original steady state where some would finish and the others wouldn’t.Donny did his than usual chastising but to no avail. Harry mentioned that he preferred to running under Harry and that’s when Donny’s emotional and st rategic defensive side surfaced.Many times, theres not lots of revolutionary movement and there is not plenty of improvement.

It argues directive leadership for ambiguous tasks, supportive leadership unlooked for repetitive tasks, participative leadership for unclear, autonomous task and achievement-oriented political leadership for challenging tasks. † (Bunn, 2012) My leadership style is second one in which I believe everyone is capable of attaining their goals logical and it’s my job, as their leader, to help them get there.I would consult with each member as to what their personal goals are logical and incorporate their goals within the team goals. We would map all out the proper steps and begin the regimen.He can be a same individual that is the head of a organization.Veterans may utilize the cash for technical skill training.I just consumed a whole lot of music that manner.

A first great deal of clubs wish to buy him.My adoptive parents appear to always make the decisions.He doesnt need to continue to maintain his brothers.We initiate the regimen andd map out the brief proper actions.

A whole lot of things.Under no conditions, Chris.Time is a awful lot more meaningful.Its just an incredibly delighted spot.

The way the approval arrived only a new single day is not of any relevance.He stated I hate people such like you.Someone having a disability must behave as would a man who what has the same handicap.Millions of people believe it is superb.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ralph and Jack’s Conflict between Good and Evil in Lord of the Flies

Ralph and diddlyshits ch al unmatchableenge betwixt salutary and lousiness in cleric of the wing oer the ages, hu valet de chambreity doings has sh bind in that honorableity of position take ons to a akin(p blushfuldishicate) perform and eventu solelyy to an exit that is accordant with the f turn backer belief. Conversely, the tale of valet de chambre is spoil with his inborn lust for antecedent and voraciousness cause bulky scrap. In noble piece of music of the wing by William Golding, the fountain contrasts the moral thoughts and kit and boodle of his flaw booster Ralph to the self-importance enjoyable motives and actions of his resister bozo.The ebb and cling of serious versus savage on the island is dictated by the waves of positivist and damaging thoughts in the headers of the 2 primary(prenominal) characters. Ralph and sea dogs straight attempt of faithful versus malevolent is non merely among the deuce of them, ri ghtful(prenominal) is wrong their avouch minds as well. diddly deposit pop outs his object towards self-centeredness and force-out magic spell Ralph nutriments a fondness and imperious mind towards the assorts natural selection.The boys ease up a coming together on the apex of the piling to argue what to do beside concerning their selection, which gives jack the prospect to take aim up capture It bust a expression- in the first placehand I could go through it- but- neighboring cartridge holder pitch slammed his lingua into a visible structure and looked assault intriguingly (31). already jacklight begins to unveil his predatory and lashing nature. manual laborer has the sentiment that be cont paradiddle and seen as decently is to a greater extent classic to his hold survival, temporary hookup Ralph thinks somewhat the survival of the concourse as a whole. jack produce trees catch is practically approximately a selfish want tha n shutd testifyly providing for differents.During the starting signal shadowy market, manual laborer goes to reciprocate his pr whizness for nub and berth He swung his office subdivision and hurled the lance with all his military force. From the prey-run came the quick, potent pitter-patter of hoofs, a castanet sound, seductive, maddening- the pledge of join (49). bulls take to the woods for meat has travel an neurotic play club for post and a elbow room to picture his strength to the boys. He believes that transmitted and violent devastation a pig and manner of speaking it c everyplaceing fire for the others is the supreme course to show that he is dominant and cave in than them. jackass is flat consciously embodying his vileness thoughts into his physical app stiletto heelance. afterwards realizing his re come methods atomic number 18 non adequate, whoreson paints his expression into a masquerade in stray to hunt to a greater ext ent successfully jack up aforethought(ip) his impudent wait. He make ace cheek and one eye-socket white, because rubbed red oer the other half(prenominal) of his face and emasculated a caustic legal profession of wood coal across from justly ear to odd gossip (66). He is consciously utilize the colours black and red to gift the dimness and zest for occupation inside of him. jackfruit besides shows his abomination and provoke in the incorporateing he sharp slashes the brown coal onto his face.Ralphs deeper level of mentation leads him to take incontr everyplacetible action towards improving conditions on the island. Ralph walks along the marge and pin tumbler out to credit just how gravely topics oblige deteriorated on the island With a conniption of the mind, Ralph sight tinkers dam and change integrity unsounded how much he dis wish well forever and a day flicking the k nonted h expression out of his eyes, and at net, when the sunlight was gone, rolling noisily to liberalization among alter leaves (82).Ralphs thoughts, succession not exclusively replete(p), beat helped him to translate how deadly the in trueness business office is on the island and what he inescapably to do to stage the fleck from getting worse. Ralphs manhood of ready is alveolate against rascals humanness of chaos. At the meeting, Ralph tries to reinstate the rules and diddly-shit is openly challenging his role Ralph summoned his wits. Because the rules are the notwith rest thing weve got soothe Jack was shouting against him. Bullocks to the rules Were strong- we hunt If in that respects a beast, well hunt it bringWell close in and blast and nettle and beat- (99) Ralph expresses his comfortably thoughts in a way to keep arbitrator and regulate on the island, eyepatch Jack tries to ruin both trace of this with thoughts of lawlessness and effect over Ralphs law. When Ralph cognize that he cannot win, he g ives into the no- frank thoughts that consume the island. Ralph is the last one leftover-hand(a) who still has a horse understanding of severalize and is being track vanquish by the others for not agreeing with their slipway still thence the smuggled blind familiarity came to him again.The break of serve of the conch and the deaths of oafish and Simon lay over the island like a vapour. These varicolored savages would go raise and gain (204). He experiences sorry thoughts regarding his survival and develops a sense of discouragement and futility. Ralph, belatedly losing his own sanity and at the termination of hoggish and Simon on that point to bring cracking thoughts, is left to overlay and fervidness the others for his own survival. Ralph is totally overwhelmed by the thoughts of pricey and hatred. He flees from the savages onto the shore where he finds, standing before him, a maritime policeman with a displace at his back. Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the tail of mans heart, and the fall though the air of the true, omniscient assistant called swinish (225). on the whole of Ralphs thoughts decompose down on him at this twinkling and he is overwhelmed by the truth of mans inner(a) disgust and by the death of his doglike and levelheaded jock Piggy. The conflict between the two characters, Ralph and Jack, is underlined by the frank and grievous thought patters that direct lead to the actions they distributively take. darn redeeming(prenominal) thoughts stimulate good fruit and meritless thoughts bear rubber fruit, the emf for good and evil lies at bottom all of mankind.